How To Create a Service

Click on Get Bookings WP – Services link. You will see a list of all your categories and services. Then, click on the “+” icon.

A Popup will be displayed, make sure to fill out all the fields.

Title – This is what your clients will see on the public booking form, it’s the service’s name.

Background Color: This is used on the Calendar, it helps to organize your services.

Duration: This is the duration of the services, example: 15 minutes, 30 minutes.

Padding Time: This is not mandatory, you can set either before or after values.

Price: This is the service’s price, you can leave it in blank, the default value is “0”.

Capacity: This field is mandatory and it should be higher than “0”.

Allow Group Bookings: This is available on premium versions only, it allows clients to purchase multiple services on the same session.

Is Private:  If private, the services will be available only for the admin, it won’t be displayed at the front-end booking form.

Calculation Way: This setting can be used to define how the total price of the booking will be calcualted when the groups option is active. The default method is (quantity x unit price)

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